0→60マイル(96km/h)加速2.3秒、0→100マイル(160km/h)加速4.92秒という数値をたたき出すのは・・・、R/Cカーで12月30日から販売を開始するTraxxas XO-1です。これって日産GT-Rを超えていませんかね?もしかしてブガッティ・ヴェイロンがライバル?
ちなみに車名の「XO」は「Expert Only」を意味しているそうです。


Our View
This 1/7th scale machine, Traxxas X0-1, carries two large Lithium-Ion Polymer (LiPo) batteries rated at 5,000 mAh and combined with a capacitor bank and a large, finned, brush-less motor, this car is capable of doing 0-60mph in 2.3 seconds. 0-100 in 4.92 seconds! It’s able to do this right out of the box, provided you have an iPhone and download the related application (otherwise you’re limited to 50mph).The remote features an iPhone dock, and once paired, you can see live telemetry data right on your device’s screen. You can also tweak a number of settings, from throttle and steering response, to their respective end-points.
Traxxas XO-1 will be available on December 30th and it’s priced at $1,100.