っで、今回取り上げるのは次期AMG S65です。コレは・・・、完全にメーカー広報部もしくは、関連広告代理店によるプロモーションですねっ。真昼間に路駐されているS65(エキゾーストパイプが両側2本づつなので、S65だろうと噂されています)をビデオで撮影しているのに、内装は撮り忘れた?しかも内装は夜にあえてダッシュボードが布でカバーされた状態で撮影?あげくの果てにウィンドウを下げた状態って、どういうこと?日本では芸能人によるステマが話題になりましたけど、コレはスクープのステマの一種?(笑)
Our View
We don’t like featuring scoop photos of new models simply because it feels like we are taking part in advertising… for free. As for the new Mercedes Benz CLA, we featured it back in 2011 so it might have been a genuine scoop. http://carkingdom.jp/2011/08/mcls-2.html
There is a YouTube video on the next generation AMG S65 but… it looks like the video was released by someone associated with advertising agency…. This person spots a barely disguised S65 and shoots the exterior of the car during the day. Why did he/she not shoot the interior during the day? Why is the window of the passenger side open?
If you check this person’s YouTube videos, he/she encounters test mules so often at the best of times? Hmmmm… the only word comes up on my mind is… STEALTH MARKETING!!!