先週のイースター、極右政党「Golden Dawn(金の夜明け)」が主だった高速道路料金所を占拠し、料金徴収を止めさせたそうです。理由は、建設資金は税金によって賄われ、道路維持は民間会社に委ねられているから、だそうです。どっかで聞いたことがあるセリフです・・・。
まぁ、ギリシャでは「I Don’t Pay Move(私は払わないムーブ)」という政党も高速道路占拠を何度かやっているそうです。最近、あまり聞かなくなりましたけど、日本では「フリーウェイクラブ」という団体が高速料金支払いを拒絶するムーブメントをしましたね・・・。
Our Views
Greek drivers received an unexpected “gift” on Friday when members of the far-right, many say, neo-Nazi, Golden Dawn party, occupied many toll booths allowing motorists to get a free ride for their Orthodox Easter weekend.
The official reasoning behind Golden Dawn’s move was that Greeks have already paid for the roads via taxes and with the help of the EU through grants, and that they shouldn’t be required to pay for tolls, especially since many of these highways are now in the hands of private companies. Golden Dawn isn’t the only group in Greece that has opened up toll roads in the country – there’s even a party called “I Don’t Pay Move” that has done the same many times.